

Church Council

Executive Committee

Team Representatives




Church Council / Team Representatives

If you would like to get involved with the work of one of our church teams,
or if you have any questions, please email Beckie (
and she will connect you with the team representative.

Christian Education - Shandy Roehrig (2026)
-Our Christian Education Team is currently comprised of our Church School Leadership Team (which facilitates our Church School program). Shandy also provides support to our 8th grade Confirmation Program. Occasional adult education initiatives and retreats are planned.

Community Outreach - Jeanne Mantsch and Louise Mollinger (2026)
-Our Community Outreach Team works to support the six local service organizations that we support on an ongoing basis: Advocates, Balance, Habitat for Humanity, Family Promise, Ozaukee Family Services, and The Food Pantry.

Fellowship - Jennifer Dimmer (2025)
-Our Fellowship Team makes sure our Fellowship Hours are running smoothly. They also help plan other social gatherings for our church community, typically while enjoying good food that they prepare!

Liturgy - currently vacant (2025)
-Our Liturgy Team supports our pastor in planning many aspects of our worship services. The team works to make the sights and sounds in the sanctuary support the mood and message of the specific service.

Property - Bill Bond (2025)
-Our Property Team keeps a close eye on our church building and grounds, and works to maintain all aspects of our church.

Staff Support and Review - Nancy Hinneberg (2026)
-Our Staff Support and Review Team meets with our office and music staff at least once per year, is available for support, and helps to maintain staff records.

Stewardship - Matt Riemer (2026)
-Our Stewardship Team conducts an annual campaign in the fall, inspiring members and friends to reflect on what this church means to them.


Our Church Council (consisting of the Executive Committee and Team Representatives), along with the minister or a staff person,
meets on the second Thursday evening of each month.